


すべてのソース (Googleサイトの読み込みが失敗するようになったために再編集したました[2022/10/21])

use AppleScript version "2."

use scripting additions

use framework "Foundation"

use framework "AppKit"

global myApp

global theWindow

global closeFlg

global textView1, webView1, button1


on run

my performSelectorOnMainThread:"mainMakeObject:" withObject:(missing value) waitUntilDone:true


log "End"

end run


on mainMakeObject:inputObj

set myApp to current application

set closeFlg to false

-- ウインドウ

set aTitle to "翻訳"

set aRect to {50, 50, 640, 400}

set moveCenter to false

set theWindow to my makeNewWindow(aTitle, aRect, moveCenter)

-- オブジェクト

my makeObject()

theWindow's setAlphaValue:1.0



if closeFlg then

my closeWin:theWindow

exit repeat

end if

delay 0.2

end repeat

end mainMakeObject:


on makeNewWindow(aTitle, aRect, moveCenter)

set {windowX, windowY, windowW, windowH} to aRect

set theRect to myApp's NSMakeRect(windowX, windowY, windowW, windowH)

set aScreen to myApp's class "NSScreen"'s mainScreen()

set aStyle to (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskTitled as integer)

set aStyle to aStyle + (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskClosable as integer)

set aStyle to aStyle + (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable as integer)

set aStyle to aStyle + (myApp's NSWindowStyleMaskResizable as integer)

set aBacking to myApp's NSBackingStoreBuffered

set aWindow to myApp's class "NSWindow"'s alloc()'s initWithContentRect:theRect styleMask:aStyle backing:aBacking defer:false screen:aScreen

tell aWindow




setMinSize_(myApp's NSMakeSize(420, 380))

setMaxSize_(myApp's NSMakeSize(10000, 10000))

setBackgroundColor_(myApp's class "NSColor"'s colorWithCalibratedRed:0.95 green:0.95 blue:0.95 alpha:1.0)




end tell


if moveCenter then aWindow's |center|() -- windowをセンターに移動

return aWindow

end makeNewWindow

(* 各オブジェクトの配置 *)

on makeObject()

set mainView to theWindow's contentView

set theWindowFrame to mainView's frame()

set {{windowX, windowY}, {windowWidth, windowHeight}} to theWindowFrame


--set minXMargin to (myApp's NSViewMinXMargin) as integer -- 左の余白を柔軟に

set maxXMargin to (myApp's NSViewMaxXMargin) as integer -- 右の余白を柔軟に

set minYMargin to (myApp's NSViewMinYMargin) as integer -- 下の余白を柔軟に

--set maxYMargin to (myApp's NSViewMaxYMargin) as integer -- 上の余白を柔軟に

set widthSizable to (myApp's NSViewWidthSizable) as integer -- 横方向の幅を柔軟に

set heightSizable to (myApp's NSViewHeightSizable) as integer -- 縦方向の幅を柔軟に



-- 新しくオブジェクトを配置する部分 --------------------

-- NSButton

set theRect to myApp's NSMakeRect(50, windowHeight - 52, windowWidth - 100, 50)

set button1 to myApp's class "NSButton"'s alloc()'s initWithFrame:theRect

tell button1

setBezelStyle_(myApp's NSBezelStyleTexturedSquare)

setButtonType_(myApp's NSButtonTypeMomentaryLight)




setAutoresizingMask_(widthSizable + minYMargin)

end tell

mainView's addSubview:button1

-- WebView

set theRect to myApp's NSMakeRect(0, -1000, 1000, 1000)

set webView1 to myApp's class "WKWebView"'s alloc()'s initWithFrame:theRect

tell webView1

setAutoresizingMask_(maxXMargin + minYMargin)


end tell

mainView's addSubview:webView1

set locationUrl to "https://translate.google.co.jp/"

set aUrl to myApp's class "NSURL"'s URLWithString:locationUrl

set aRequest to myApp's class "NSURLRequest"'s requestWithURL:aUrl

webView1's loadRequest:aRequest

-- TextViewセット

set {x, y, w, h} to {3, 3, windowWidth - 6, windowHeight - 60}

set theRect to myApp's NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h)

set scrollview1 to myApp's class "NSScrollView"'s alloc()'s initWithFrame:theRect

tell scrollview1




setAutoresizingMask_(widthSizable + heightSizable)

end tell

set textView1 to myApp's class "NSTextView"'s alloc()'s initWithFrame:theRect

tell textView1

setMinSize_(myApp's NSMakeSize(0, h))

setMaxSize_(myApp's NSMakeSize(10000, 10000))




textContainer()'s setContainerSize:(myApp's NSMakeSize(w, 10000))

textView1's setString:""

end tell

textView1's textContainer's setWidthTracksTextView:true

scrollview1's setDocumentView:textView1

mainView's addSubview:scrollview1


on error errText

log errText

end try

end makeObject

on action1:sender

-- テキストエディタから原文の取得

set aText to getText()

if (aText as text) = "" then return

-- 2度押し防止のためにボタンの停止

tell button1



end tell

-- 原文の末尾に改行があるかのチェック

if (paragraph -1 of aText) = "" then

set endCode to ASCII character 13

set aText to text from paragraph 1 to paragraph -2 of aText


set endCode to ""

end if

if aText = false then return

-- 原文を1行づつ切り分けて翻訳作業しながらまとめる

set textData to "原文:" & return & aText & return & return

textView1's setString:textData

set aLine to "ーーーーーーーーーー"

set textData to textData & (aLine & aLine & aLine) & return & return & "訳文:" & return

set allText to ""


repeat with oneLine in (paragraphs of aText)

set oneLine to oneLine as text

if (oneLine ≠ "") or (oneLine ≠ (character id 10)) or (oneLine ≠ (character id 13)) then

set aData to (my googleTranslate:oneLine)

if aData = false then set aData to "(-- Error --)"


set aData to ""

end if

set allText to allText & aData & return

(textView1's setString:(textData & allText & "..."))

end repeat

on error errText

log errText

end try

-- 翻訳終了後の結果を反映

set allText to text from paragraph 1 to paragraph -2 of allText

set textData to textData & allText

textView1's setString:textData

if (aData = "(-- Error --)") or (aData = "false") or (aData = "") then

set locationUrl to "https://translate.google.co.jp/"

set aUrl to myApp's class "NSURL"'s URLWithString:locationUrl

set aRequest to myApp's class "NSURLRequest"'s requestWithURL:aUrl

webView1's loadRequest:aRequest


my overWriteText:(allText & endCode)

end if

-- ボタンの復帰

tell button1



end tell

end action1:

on googleTranslate:aText -- |原文を翻訳作業するルーチン、翻訳結果を返します|

set locationUrl to my keywordDelimiter(aText) --url取得


set aUrl to current application's class "NSURL"'s URLWithString:locationUrl

set aRequest to myApp's class "NSURLRequest"'s requestWithURL:aUrl

webView1's loadRequest:aRequest

-- webViewの表示の完了待ち(『翻訳結果』というテキストの有無で判断)

set aData to ""

repeat 6 times

delay 0.5


tell application "System Events"

tell process (name of myApp)

set objList to entire contents of window 1 --オブジェクト(UI Elements)を取得

end tell

end tell

try -- Try処理を利用してオブジェクトをテキスト化

set aText to objList as text

on error errText

set aText to errText

end try

if aText contains "翻訳結果" then exit repeat

end try

end repeat

-- テキストから翻訳結果の部分を抽出

set aText to my setDelimiter(aText, "\", ", "\"" & return)

set lineNo1 to count of paragraphs of (text 1 thru (offset in aText of " \"翻訳結果\"") of aText)

set aData to ""

if lineNo1 > 0 then

set aText2 to text from paragraph (lineNo1 + 2) to paragraph -1 of aText

set lineNo2 to count of paragraphs of (text 1 thru (offset in aText2 of "«class sttx»") of aText2)

repeat with n from 1 to 100

set obj to paragraph (lineNo1 + lineNo2 + n) of aText

if not (obj contains "«class sttx»") then exit repeat

set output to text ((offset in obj of "\"") + 1) thru -1 of obj

set aData to aData & (text 1 thru ((offset in output of "\"") - 1) of output)

end repeat

end if

if aData = "" then return false

return aData

end googleTranslate:

on getText() -- |テキストエディターから選択部分を読み取り|

if application "TextEdit" is not running then return false --テキストエディタが起動しているか?

set the clipboard to "" --クリップボードのデータの初期化

activate application "TextEdit" --テキストエディタを最前面に移動



tell application "System Events"

keystroke "c" using command down

delay 0.1

keystroke "c" using command down

delay 0.1

end tell

set aText to (the clipboard) as text

on error

set aText to ""

end try


set f to true

repeat with oneChara in (characters of aText)

if (id of (oneChara as text)) > 32 then

set f to false

exit repeat

end if

end repeat

if f then set aText to ""

return aText

end getText

on overWriteText:aText --|翻訳終了後にテキストエディターへの上書き|

activate application "TextEdit"

set the clipboard to aText

delay 0.2

tell application "System Events"

tell process "TextEdit"

keystroke "v" using command down

end tell

end tell

end overWriteText:

on keywordDelimiter(inputText) -- |Google翻訳をお願いするためのURLの取得|

if (inputText contains "\"") then set inputText to my setDelimiter(inputText, "\"", "''") --動作の障害となるダブルクオート回避

set aText to run script ("encodeURIComponent(\"" & inputText & "\")") in "Javascript"

set aUrl to "https://translate.google.co.jp/?hl=ja&sl=auto&tl=ja&text=" & aText & "&op=translate"

return aUrl

end keywordDelimiter

on setDelimiter(textItem, oldText, newText) --|デリミタ|

set textItem to textItem as text

set lastDelimit to AppleScript's text item delimiters

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldText

set obj to every text item of textItem

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newText

set textItem to obj as text

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to lastDelimit

return textItem

end setDelimiter

(* ウインドウバーの閉じるボタンアクションを受けた時 *)

on windowShouldClose:sender

set closeFlg to true

end windowShouldClose:

(* ウインドウを閉じるための実際のアクション *)

on closeWin:aWindow

aWindow's orderOut:me

if (name of myApp) ≠ "Script Editor" then quit me

end closeWin:


inserted by FC2 system